Music Director - Orchestral Conductor - Arranger - Composer - Record Producer

Music History Summary

Accordion Compositions
Orchestral Compositions
Brass/Wind Band Compositiions
Choral Music and Songs
Piano Flute Compositions
Musicals for Children

Robyn Hood, The Musical
Gary Daverne
Music Director Emeritus - Auckland Symphony Orchestra

2001 Reviews

What people wrote about concerts conducted by Gary Daverne in 2001

PRESS REVIEW. North Shore Times 12 July 2001

Clackers, whistles and bobbies, a symphony of fun in Takapuna.

Last weekend the Bruce Mason Centre was certainly the place to be if you enjoy fantastic music and entertainment.

You would be forgiven if you thought the Brits had come to town - there were Pearly Kings & Queens, - many sequined bowler hats, London Bobbies, clackers, whistles and all the paraphernalia that goes with the traditional Proms at London's Royal Albert Hall. Two full houses were treated to incredible performances from the Auckland Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Gary Daverne O.N.Z.M. and the North Shore City 100 Voice Choral joined by another 100 'friends' from associated choirs.

Balloons cascaded from the ceiling and the audience were showered with streamers as the 1700 strong crowd joined with the choirs to the resounding chorus of "Rule Britannia" waving British and New Zealand flags patriotically. All age groups had an unforgettable time and it was evident that the Proms will be an event not to miss next year when they return to the Bruce Mason Centre.

Gary Daverne - world-renowned conductor commented that in all his years of conducting he had never experienced such an enthusiastic and responsive audience. He said it was the most memorable and enjoyable highlight in his conducting career and looks forward to the Last Night of the Proms next year.

3 July 2001

Dear Gary

I must compliment you on your selection of material for the Proms concerts. I never imagined how much fun the performances would be - it was a blast (loved every minute of it).

Thank you so much.

(Choir member)

11 July 2001

"How lucky North Shore residents were this last Sunday to have the opportunity to reminisce with "Old England".

This last weekend at the Bruce Mason Centre." The Last Night of the Proms" was presented by Gary Daverne and the Auckland Symphony Orchestra along with Margot Lloyd's 100 Voice Chorale plus friends. What a splendid party was had by all. .......

Thanks to Gary, the Conductor and master of Ceremonies, for presenting such a memorable show which I am sure brought wonderful memories to those of us you enjoy such musical traditions. Let's make this an annual festival - PLEASE????

Glennis Sims
30 June 2001

Dear Gary

From Lew and I (and I am sure all who were at the Bruce Mason tonight 30 June) thank you from the bottom of our hearts for a fantastic experience.

We loved every minute of it! Take care - "congratulations to all involved on a job magnificently done"

Lew and Marilyn
01 July 2000

Dear Gary<

The show last evening was wonderful. Please make it an Annual Musical Event.
The choir was awesome, so many voices. Orchestra superb as usual.

Congratulations, you make it all look so easy, but can imagine the organization with so many performers.

Joanne and Noel McCarthy

05 July 2001

"Capacity audiences, all with their whistles, hooters, flags, patriotic hats, costumes and flags. They stood, they sang, they swayed and waved their flags and arms over their heads, some even danced. When the 1000 balloons dropped, the audience went even wilder. Streamers were thrown.

A real musical party. One could not help getting involved, being part of it and enjoying themselves to the max. The atmosphere was electric.

What a wonderful, exciting feeling."

Tony Williams

2 July 2001

Dear Gary Daverne

We just had to put pen to paper to once again say thank you for a most entertaining afternoon yesterday. Everything was excellent. It's so lovely at a concert like that we become one big happy family.

Music you had chosen was so easy to listen to and enjoy. The orchestra was superb and the choice so very good. All this made us the audience just want to sing our hearts out.

Your soloists had such wonderful voices.

We will be keeping our eyes open next year for when hopefully you will have another last Night of the Proms. I'm sure tickets will sell even faster than they did this year.

Thanks once again from all of us

Jacky Smith
on behalf of the Pearly Group
06 July 2000

Hi Gary,

I always thought the "Last Night of the Proms" concerts a bit silly when I watched them on TV (and it's not my favourite music either) but being involved in one, I can now see the point. What I enjoyed best about the concert was driving away afterwards and seeing groups of grown adults walking down the road to their cars waving flags, holding balloons and wearing silly hats. And they hadn't even been drinking! When I came back over the Harbour Bridge on Sunday evening, I passed a minibus with 'Roskill Masonic Lodge' written on it, and inside it was full of little old ladies waving British flags and still enjoying themselves!


Olwyn Green
14 May 2001
For the attention of Gary Daverne O.N.Z.M.

Dear Sir

I would just like to say thank you to you and the members of the orchestra and all connected with putting on the Mother's Day concert yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed this and thought the choice of music excellent.

I am a fairly new comer to New Zealand from Birmingham, England and must say I am now looking forward to more concerts with the Auckland Symphony.

I wish you all continued success.
Again many thanks.

Yours sincerely
Anita (Pettit)

Lots of Great Squeezing in Texas by Valarie Kieser
Text by Valarie Kieser

My usual expression for something that to me is truly fabulous is, "Wow!" Well, I can't think of any other term for the 2001 Texas Accordion Association National Accordion Convention in Plano, Texas March 8-11. Every year it just seems to get better!

Maybe it's because I'm getting to know some of the regulars there, but each year I meet wonderful new friends and players as well. In any reasonable space I couldn't possibly cover all the wonderful aspects of this convention, so here are a few highlights.

Accordion Championships Celebrate 30th Birthday - New Zealand

Contributed by Christine Adams

The New Zealand Accordion Association South Pacific Championships and Festival was held in Auckland from June 1st to 3rd. It is the largest annual accordion event in the Southern Hemisphere. The event included 30th birthday celebrations and a special tribute to accordionist Silvio de Pra (who has always been willing to adjudicate at the competitions and often appeared as a guest artist during the last 30 years), Chairman of the Accordion Examination Board since its inception in 1972 and Chief Examiner since 1992.

Auckland composer Gary Daverne was commissioned to write a special piece for this event entitled "Musical Party". This piece was performed by a massed orchestra of over 80 accordionists from USA, New Zealand, China and Australia in a final concert held on Sunday afternoon to the excited audience.

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